Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Blameless in his sight

A couple of weeks ago in one of the Bible studies, someone brought out the verse, "Be perfect as your heaven father is perfect." Pretty much everyone said that is something we should strive for, but we are never going to reach.

Is it? As I was looking through more stuff, I heard John Bevere say that God never gave us a commandment in the New Testament that we couldn't keep. So does God want me to be perfect? Isn't that the whole reason we accept salvation in the first place, because it is impossible?

Well, just a few days ago, I was reading in the words of David. Do you not what he called himself in one of the Psalms? BLAMELESS. Blameless, without blame, without fault, perfect. In God's eyes, David was blameless. That man was putting God first, keeping God's commandments, and God saw him as perfect.

Think about it, when we accept God's forgiveness, he erases all of our wrongdoings, our faults, our flaws. We are reborn into the family of God and we are without blemish, just like a real new born would be.

So, this commandment is simply another example, that we cannot go through this life without God. He commands us to be perfect, and we cannot do it. But when we let God clean us up, He removes our sin farther than the east is from the west. So we can go through lives "boldly" talking to God and we can walk into eternity without fear. He has made us perfect, and therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


Seagull in Jordan said...

You need to preach. That was a very insiteful message. When I read it I looked up the word perfection and one if the definitions say "to bring to perfection; make flawless or faultless. Or as you said it, blameless.

Im really excited that someone found my blog, but at the sametime that means I have to be a little more cautious of what I am writing.

I did say that I am going to build a skatepark. Caleb, my friend who I am living with, and I are going to use for the progression of skating in amman as well as an outreach.

I cant begin to tell you how many people I have meet here. Just the other day Caleb, 4 skaters and I were on the radio to promote skating and we even spoke boldly about our faith, that were both muslim and christians.

So God's doing some amazing things in me. Its awesome that he would embark this path for my life.

Thanks for all your comments they're very encouraging.
Talk to you soon.

Seagull in Jordan said...

its a group called REI a sister group under the navigators. as for church my father of the family I live with is an ordained pastor and we have house church with our team every week.

thank for the encouragement. im flying out today to cairo, egypt for a skateboarding outreach and it could be a huge step in what will happen in jordan.