Friday, September 21, 2007

How Big Do You REALLY Think God Is?

God is big. God is really big. He created everything. Yet, I believe that most of us really do not believe it.
If we believed that God is really all powerful, we would not have any worries. If we believed that God is really keeps His promises, we would have no fear. If we really believed that God created the earth, planets, stars, galaxies, constellations, super novas, black holes, and He still knows how many hiars are on my head, than there would be no struggles with reading your Bible each day, with finding time to pray to God, with finding the courage to speak up.

I have had trouble with all of this, we all have. What this means is that I am a liar, a hypocrite. I know the facts, but I do not really believe them. God knew when He made us that our tiny brains would never be able to handle HIM. He knew that, and He forgives us for that.

But it still hurts my heart. Those many times when I let my mind wander during worship, prayer, or devotion, it did not just mean that I had an overactive mind, it meant that I thought other things were more important than God. It meant that I did not think that God was really all that great.

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