Saturday, March 3, 2007

Illuminating: India

So, I just finished an assignment recently on religious violence in India। In the breadth of doing this project, about a month, 20 people died. Most of these people are Muslims, the one of the major religions in India, but one of the most oppressed, for percentage of persecution per population, is Christianity. One resource I found actually gave about 300 incidents towards Christians in 6 months. That is almost two incidents everyday, and each "incident" can be anything from a house being burned, to a woman being raped, to hundreds of Christians being murdered on the street.
India has always been important to me. I have always loved the colorful culture and unique style associated with the country, but it is also more than just that. When I was a little girl actually dreamed about going to India, actually had a dream. I was wrapped up in a colorful sari surrounded by children. Looking away from the story I was telling them, I saw men outside working in the dirt outside, white men and brown men, constructing buildings and singing as they worked. I dreamed of a peaceful India singing praises to God.
The India that is today, however, is a turbulent, tense land. Much of the violence that happens each day can be attributed to hate and revenge. This type of cycle does not stop on its own. What India needs is a transformation, and as the Bible says you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind, which only comes from God.

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