Saturday, February 3, 2007

I am writing these chronicles...

Tah-Dah! Here is the first post on my new blog. A little introduction on the purpose of this blog. First of all, I don't expect anyone to read this blog. I am not going to tell any of my friends about, and I am not going to go around advertising for my blog to get visitors. Honestly, I don't even know how to do that.
Yet, I believe that this will help me in my walk for God. Introspective writing is the way that I can most logically and precisely sort of my feelings and take stock of what is going on in my life. Of course God knows all things, and maybe he will actually use this to reach someone. If anything, at least I will have a clear view of what I believe so I can be ready at anytime to proclaim the Glory of God (that is actually a verse in Acts).
Also, this will be a major weapon in confronting the idiocrysies of AP Literature, which force the student to think on depressing, ungodly things and to use words like conundrum and, well, idiocrysies. My thereoy is that if it is too complicated for a child to understand, then it is just too complicated.
By the way, I will probably one day regret the cheesy name of my blog, but that is just the way it worked out.

1 comment:

Gracenme said...

btw, i regreted the cheesy name of my blog and the name of the blog now has changed three times with more name changes expecting to come in the future.