Friday, September 21, 2007

How Big Do You REALLY Think God Is?

God is big. God is really big. He created everything. Yet, I believe that most of us really do not believe it.
If we believed that God is really all powerful, we would not have any worries. If we believed that God is really keeps His promises, we would have no fear. If we really believed that God created the earth, planets, stars, galaxies, constellations, super novas, black holes, and He still knows how many hiars are on my head, than there would be no struggles with reading your Bible each day, with finding time to pray to God, with finding the courage to speak up.

I have had trouble with all of this, we all have. What this means is that I am a liar, a hypocrite. I know the facts, but I do not really believe them. God knew when He made us that our tiny brains would never be able to handle HIM. He knew that, and He forgives us for that.

But it still hurts my heart. Those many times when I let my mind wander during worship, prayer, or devotion, it did not just mean that I had an overactive mind, it meant that I thought other things were more important than God. It meant that I did not think that God was really all that great.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I Know What I am Doing for the Rest of my Life

So, in the back of my mind I kinda thought that all these life questions about "Where am I going" and "What am I doing" would stop at high school graduation. No, it just gets worse. Especially since each semester you ponder these questions you waste thousands and thousands of dollars. Already the helpful advice that I am getting from my counselors is do this test and answers these questions so you know right now exactly what you are doing for the rest of your life. For the first time in my life, that mindset seems foriegn to me.

I already know the answer to that question. For the rest of my life, I am following after God with all of my heart, all of my soul, and all of my strength, and all of my mind. That is no easy task, and it is not something you can really get a college degree in. Truth be told, I do not have a plan. I do not have a clue what my life will be like 10 years from now. But. I have peace about what I am doing right now, and I trust God to open up new paths that I never could have dreamed up on my own.

It is the most wonderful feeling. I used to be so stressed out about life decisions and worried how I was going to mess up my whole life if I did not hear the right thing from God. Then when it finally got through my head to just trust God, everything got exciting.

I am such an organizer; I usually need a plan. It was kinda hard for me to let go the imaginary control that comes with putting a goal on a piece of paper. But really, what kind of life is that? People talk about being spontaneous, and we, the ones who are trusting in God for the plan, are some of the few who get to do that. What kind of adventure is it if the path is laid out for you? Those roads usually lead more to traffic jams than thrill rides. What is an exploration if the map to where you are going is available in any bookstore? By trusting in God's plan, we get everything! Adventure! Spontaniety! Purpose! Passion! We are living the dream!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


This is a post inspired from the book Facedown, by Matt Redman.

A more fulfilling worship life can sometimes begin with something that is set aside just for God. Sunday is the day set aside just for God. We have our Sunday best and our special words that we use only in correspondence to God like “holy,” “inspired,” or “awesome.” Even deeper than that is a life that is completely set aside for the glory of God, a life that is untarnished by the world and untrained by sin. This life is the life that God desires the most and that He appreciates the most.