Friday, August 24, 2007

The Uncomprehendable

I went to a little Bible group the other day. It was their first meeting, and it was a little awkward. We were all facing each other, there was no loud speaker to make a distinction from leader and congregation. I was just trying to not focus on the little things and, being the ultra-spiritual person that I am, press in past all the annoyances. Then it hit me. It was not anything I did. I honestly was not expecting much with all the setbacks. It was not like there was a special worship leader or the perfect song that triggered it. It just happened.

God was there. I felt Him. It was so...awesome. I mean, can you imagine, the God of everything being with us, with our little group of 10 or 15? It's like, you know that God will never leave you or forsake you, yeah, yeah, BUT...when you feel Him hovering over your little sacrifice, and the light of His glory is making it so plain how pathetic the life you are giving Him really is, and yet you can feel the love completely overwhelming any emotion or thought that does not involve Him. You know. You KNOW.

He is simply incomprehensible. Any attempt to understand God and His complete grandiousness either ends up in belittling His plans or a completely shutting down the brain. God is truly indescribable.

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